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My Class Farewall 2009

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Mee kari

D1 S15 Kazama In LFS

S15 Kazama

Terminator VS Bio-Fi



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I Drive My Teacher Car !!!

Hahaha, first car I drive in my entire life is Proton Saga (New Version)....I does't have any license, so afraid in first time. I probably crash that day, but it's so easy to drive maybe because it Auto. After this, I will try to drive my father van and it's Manual !!! OH YEAH

My Teacher Car :

My Father Van :

Real Earth-Zoom!

Teenagers with a ¢G56 camera and latex balloon have managed to take stunning pictures from 20 miles above Earth.

Proving that you don't need Google's billions or the BBC weather centre's resources, the four Spanish students managed to send a camera-operated weather balloon into the stratosphere.

Taking atmospheric readings and photographs, the Meteotek team of IES La Bisbal school in Spanish Catalonia completed their incredible experiment at the end of February this year.

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