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Patches for After Effects CS4 and Premiere Pro CS4

Notable fixes in the Adobe After Effects CS4 9.0.1 patch:

* Miscellaneous performance improvements with MediaCore video formats.
* General improvements to Dynamic Link workflows.
* Mocha AE doesn’t read v210 QuickTime files correctly. (49015)
* On some systems, the application may suspend rendering when the display turns off due
to power management or screen saver settings. (49146)
* All Render Queue items are removed when opening or importing a saved project in which the first item has no comment, but other Render Queue items have comments. (49186)
* Crash using “Open Layer” when multiple layers are selected if one of the selected layers does not have a source or has a collapsed transformation. (49207)
* Auto-save is marking a project as saved; user can close project without being prompted to save changes, and multiprocessing can return old frames. (49209)
* (Windows only) Custom eyedroppers in keying effects pick up wrong colors when clicked in custom thumbnail. (49248)
* Exposure effect: negative offset values render garbage/underflow in 8bpc and 16bpc. (49294)
* Puppet Tool: For a 3D layer, results are being clipped to layer bounds. (49267)
* Importing a still sequence via Recent Footage imports only a single still instead of a sequence. (49265)
* For some OpenGL effects in 32bpc projects, overbright colors are getting clipped.(1893997)
* When the “Write XMP IDs to Files on Import” option is selected, MediaCore playback can make some files appear out of sync. (1880742)
* Application may appear to hang for several minutes “Reading XMP markers from footage” (status message) with files that contain deeply nested metadata. (1874477)

New in the Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 4.0.1 patch:

* OMF export
* Final Cut Pro import
* Edit in Audition (Windows only)
* Surcode support
* AAF import and export
* High quality motion
* Third-party support

Notable fixes in the Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 4.0.1 patch:

* Attempting to trim locked tracks results in a crash (#1888355)
* Crash on Win and error on Mac when using Numpad-Asterisk keys to generate marker when
playing in Program Pane when Effect Controls pane is closed (#1890626)
* Crash when the Metadata panel is brought into focus when a DVCPro HD clip is selected
* When a filter/search is applied in the Metadata Panel and then a different asset is selected, the
filter does not update (#1876954)
* Custom schema causes Adobe Premiere Pro to crash performing many basic operations,
starting with New Project (#1888938)
* Render of transition in imported EDL-based sequence fails; on Mac, causes application to hang
indefinitely, user must be force-quit application (#1873434)
* After ASND is saved, an effect is always ON if it turns OFF while playing (#1864978)
* Crash when attempting to load a project that contains a composition if headless Adobe
Premiere Pro is serving Adobe After Effects (#1871578)
* Exporting video as MPEG 4 will create a video file that imports at the incorrect length
* Trimming both ends of a clip, then moving the clip will cause looped playback to be silent, or
only playback portions of the clip (#1868409)
* When exporting a timeline containing cuepoints, deleting a cue point via AME Batch-> Export
Settings, the cue point is still present in the output file (#1866690)
* Playing an audio-only file in the source monitor will cause the application to lock up (#1887330)
* Exporting any MT session as 24bit WAV leads to garbled audio – Mac only (#1881684)
* Adobe Premiere Pro allocates too much memory and reads too much data from disk when
loading project files on the Mac (#1890579)
* With camera connected, opening clip from Timeline into Source and selecting File  Debug
results in a serious error (#1889197)
* Export to tape is active from DVCPRO HD sequences (#1863718)
* Application intermittently crashes when exporting a movie (#1868405)
* Render and Replace of offline clips takes over 20 minutes (#1885273)
* Application crashes when cancelling “Normalize Audio Track” dialog (#1887615)
* When an AVCHD clip is inserted into a DV timeline with Scale to Frame Size applied, rendered
previews of the clip show artifacts during Timeline playback (#1863988)
* Using scale to frame size in a timeline lowers output quality and softens detail and sharpness;
typing in scale attributes manually or using Adobe After Effects produces much better results
* Multiplexed MPEG files exported to HD size and then imported back in to Adobe Premiere Pro
show up as 601 color space instead of 709 color space and hence the colors of the imported
files are off (#1852977)

Known issues in the Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 4.0.1 patch:

* Important note: if you are using the Elemental Technologies RapiHD plug-in, you must update
to the latest version in order to use Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 4.0.1. You can update the plug-in
by visiting the Elemental Technologies web page:
* Re-installing Adobe Premiere Pro CS4.0.0 after it has been patched will generate an error
dialog at the end of the installation. This dialog can be ignored.
* Uninstalling Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 after CS4 is installed will result in AME exports in CS4 to
fail with ‘Could not read from the source’. Creating a shortcut named Premiere alongside the
dynamiclinkmanager.exe that points to the Premiere.exe will fix the problem.
* When converting Final Cut Pro project with Color correction applied, the color correction will be
incorrect within Adobe Premiere Pro.
* When converting Final Cut Pro project with Bins, the bins do not appear in Adobe Premiere Pro
unless selected in the Final Cut Pro xml export.
* Multicamera enable sequence with HDV clips does not playback as normal; severe drop frame
or stopping playback occurs
* Audio in a nested 16 channel sequence does not simultaneously playback all of its audio tracks
in the Source Monitor.
* File>Adobe Dynamic Link>Send to Encore selection is available when a 16 channel sequence
is selected; however, Adobe Encore does not support 16 channel sequences.
* File>Export>Export to OMF... selection is grayed when the Audio Mixer Panel is selected on the
* File>Export>Export to EDL... selection is grayed when the Audio Mixer Panel is selected on the
* 5.1 sequences use output mapping from the stereo channel column of the Preferences>Audio
Output Mapping dialog when the audio device selected from the Map Output for menu has less
than 6 channels.
* All 16 channels of a 16 channel sequence are summed to mono without attenuation when
exported as media when Audio>Basic Audio Settings>Channels is set to Mono.
* Both odd and even numbered channels of a 16 channel sequence are summed to both stereo
channels when exported as media when Audio>Basic Audio Settings>Channels is set to Stereo.
* 16-channel selection does not appear in the Export Settings dialog Basic Audio Settings
Channels menu when a 16-channel sequence is selected.
* All channels of a 16 channel sequence are summed to Ls, Rs and Center channels when
exported as media when Audio>Basic Audio Settings>Channels is set to 5.1.
* Setting the Optimize Rendering preference to “Memory” is highly recommended when Max
Quality or Max Bit Depth rendering is on. These settings are designed for high performance
systems. Please check Adobe Online Support for recommended system requirements.
* Loading an existing project with a P2 sequence that is missing media may cause a crash.
* Adobe Premiere Pro crashes when importing AAF from Avid if it contains references to clips
with OMF audio (WAVE or AIFF).
* AAF may not provide consistent results for complex projects in formats other than DV or HDV.